Pella Corporation
Iowa History Journal Volume 2, Issue 2 Now Available
Tuesday, March 16th, 2010 | Iowa History Journal | No Comments
The March/April, 2010, issue features fascinating articles on an Iowa school teacher named Jane Elliott who in the 1960s shook up the national educational network with her thought provoking “brown eyes/blue eyes” studies on racial discrimination. Also in this issue, a look at the time traveling caveman named Alley Oop and his “birth” in Perry, Iowa. This issue contains a look at the highly successful Pella Corporation, the Iowa legacy of George Washington Carver and the emergence of the Iowa State University wrestling program in the 1960s. And finally, a look at the Blue Hall of Fame and the day the Civil War almost came to Iowa!
Also columns by regulars Mike Chapman, Arvid Huisman and John McNeer; Iowa History Quiz, and a book review on “Head-On Joe: The Man who Wrecked 146 Locomotives”.
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Journey: Reflections on 50 Years of Writing, Wrestling, Weightlifting, and Heroes – Order Today!
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