Movie Scripts
Upcoming Events for Mike for 2015
Thursday, May 14th, 2015 | Book Signing, Books, Movie Scripts, Speaking, Wrestling | No Comments
May 18 – As the author of 27 books, Mike will be speaking to a creative writing class at West Waterloo High School, talking to young students about the joy of writing and how to get started as a writer. He will also discuss his latest adventures in Hollywood, with two movie projects under way. Mike has talked to these West Waterloo writing classes five times in recent years for Donna Huff, teacher extraordinaire (and wife of wrestling coaching legend Don Huff) and enjoys it very much.
June 27-30 – One of the biggest wrestling events of the summer is set for June 27-July 2 in Orlando, Florida, where the Scholastic Duals Wrestling Tournament will be held at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex. Over 1,600 wresters are expected to compete. The AAU Wrestling Hall of Fame banquet will be held on June 29, and Mike will be the featured speaker at the banquet. Mike was inducted into the AAU hall of fame in 2005 but this is the first year he has been able to attend the event. Mike and Bev will have several tables of wrestling items for display and for sale during the wrestling tournament.
July 11 – Mike and Bev will be the guests at the 2015 Midwest National Wrestling Tournament in Bloomington, Illinois. The event will be held at the Shirk Center on Illinois Wesleyan University campus, with over 1,000 wrestlers expected to compete. Mike and Bev will have several tables of memorable items for display and books, posters and card for sale. Plan to stop by and visit them.
Sept. 15 – On this date, Mike will be the featured speaker at the “Golden Opportunities” program for senior adults at the First Baptist Church in Marshalltown, beginning at 11 a.m. He will talk about his books “Triumph and Tragedy” and “Lowell Park”, as well as his overall writing career.
Illinois vs. Missouri, The battle for Reagan
Friday, June 12th, 2009 | Movie Scripts | No Comments
States jockeying for film that stars Lowell Park

An article appeared in the Sauk Valley Newspaper last weekend detailing the latest details of Mike’s Lowell Park movie script. Fundraising for the movie is going very well and things are almost in place.
The article is as follows:
You might think that a movie about Ronald Reagan’s days in Lowell Park, taken from a book titled “Lowell Park” and itself titled “Lowell Park,” would be filmed in Lowell Park.
Well, not so fast.
The Show Me state also is vying for a piece of the action.
It all comes down to the money, and who’s willing to put up more of it.
L.A.-based Empire Film Group plans to turn a local author Mike Chapman’s book, about a college student who time-travels back to the area and meets a young lifeguard named Dutch Reagan – into a major motion picture.
Empire estimates it will cost about $5 million to produce the film. Although the company already has a script – written by Chapman – and plans to release the film in time for Reagan’s 2011 centennial celebration, Executive Producer Jim Townsend said he won’t officially announce that the movie is a go until the full $5 million has been raised.
The group would prefer to shoot it in Dixon, Townsend said.
Upcoming Speeches and Appearances
Wrestling Tough, 2nd Edition – Now Available!
Journey: Reflections on 50 Years of Writing, Wrestling, Weightlifting, and Heroes – Order Today!
Super Book of Wrestling Trivia – Order today!
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