Mike on WHO Radio to Discuss Triumph and Tragedy
Friday, October 15th, 2010 | Books, Radio | No Comments
Mike will be a guest on the very popular “Two Guys Named Jim” sports talk show this Sunday night on WHO Radio, starting around 7:30 pm. He will be talking about his new book, Triumph and Tragedy: The Inspiring Stories of Football Legends Fred Becker, Jack Trice, Nile Kinnick and Johnny Bright.
He will also be sure to mention the new book Jim Zabel: I Love It, I Love It, I Love it.
“Two Guys Named Jim” is hosted by legendary sportscaster Jim Zabel and former Iowa State football coach Jim Walden. It has been on the air for 8 years and gets a huge audience, due to the broadcast power of WHO Radio. You can listen on the radio at 1040 AM or on WHO’s live radio streaming online here.
Triumph and Tragedy Book Signing
Wednesday, October 13th, 2010 | Book Signing, Books, Speaking | No Comments
Mike Chapman will hold a book signing for his new book Triumph and Tragedy: The Inspiring Stories of Football Legends Fred Becker, Jack Trice, Nile Kinnick and Johnny Bright, at Beaverdale Books in Des Moines on Monday, October 25.
Beaverdale Books store, a beautiful store located at 2629 Beaver Avenue in Des Moines. The event starts at 6:30 with a brief speech by Mike about the four Iowa icons, and then a question-and-answer period, followed by the book signing.
Mike Discusses Triumph and Tragedy Book on Iowa Public Radio
Thursday, September 30th, 2010 | Books, Radio | No Comments
Mike was interviewed by Iowa Public Radio this past Monday. He was on the show Talk of Iowa, which airs during the work week from 10 to 11 am. This is the second time he has appeared on this program this month, with his first interview focusing on Iowa History Journal. This time he discussed his latest book, Triumph and Tragedy: The Inspiring Stories of Football Legends Fred Becker, Jack Trice, Nile Kinnick and Johnny Bright.
A synopsis of the show reads:
Writing About Iowa
IPR’s Charity Nebbe speaks with Mike Chapman of Newton, author of the new book “Triumph and Tragedy: The Inspiring Stories of Football Legends Fred Becker, Jack Trice, Nile Kinnick and Johnny Bright (Culture House Books). (49:00)
Author to Sign Book on Drake Legend Johnny Bright Before Home Football Game
Wednesday, September 29th, 2010 | Books, Iowa History Journal | No Comments
DES MOINES, IOWA — The legend of Johnny Bright, Drake’s greatest athletic hero, springs back to life this month as Johnny graces the cover of two new publications – a magazine and a book.
A beautiful artwork of Bright is on the cover of Iowa History Journal, a magazine that covers all aspects of Iowa history, from sports to entertainment, to business and politics, and various historical figures and events.
The Bulldog star led the entire nation in total offense in both 1949 and 1950, and was leading it again in 1951 when he was knocked out of action in one of the ugliest incidents in college football history. Bright was a first team All-American and finished fifth in the balloting of the 1951 Heisman Trophy despite missing two of the Drake games due to the incident.
Bright is also one of four Iowa football stars featured in a new book, Triumph and Tragedy: The Inspiring Stories of Football Legends Fred Becker, Jack Trice, Nile Kinnick and Johnny Bright.
There will be a book signing by Mike Chapman, author of Triumph and Tragedy: The Inspiring Stores of Football Legends Fred Becker, Jack Trice, Nile Kinnick and Johnny Bright, prior to Drake’s homecoming football game against Marist this Saturday.
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