Iowa History Journal Volume 4, Issue 6 Now Available
Sunday, November 4th, 2012 | Iowa History Journal
In early November of 1942, the focus of the entire nation was on Waterloo, Iowa, as word came out that five brothers from one family were killed in action in the sea battle of Guadalcanal. The five Sullivan boys became a rallying point for the war effort and President Roosevelt called their loss one of the biggest tragedies any American family has been forced to endure. In a stirring account, professor Jeff Stein paints a vivid picture of the tragedy and how Waterloo has kept alive the memory of the Sullivan brothers.
Readers will also be treated to feature stories on many other fascinating persons and moments in Iowa history – ranging from the fabulous work of sculpture Christian Petersen to the overcoming of tragedy by James Hearst, Iowa’s farmer poet… the twelve Iowans who sought to be President of the United States, and much more.
Also included in this issue:
- Strange airships haunted Iowa skies in 1897
- Two new books “celebrate” Iowa history
- The city of Cresco calls itself “one in a million”
- Fayette dentist was also heck of a coach at Upper Iowa University
- Columns by our regulars – Arvid Huisman, John McNeer and Mike Chapman
- Iowa History Quiz
- Letters to the Editor
…and much more!
3 – Publisher’s Perspective: ‘Moon River’ memories of the kid from Wall Lake by Mike Chapman
4 – ‘We Stick Together:’ A lasting tribute to the Sullivan brothers by Jeff Stein
9 – James Hearst overcame tragedy to become Iowa’s farmer poet by Victor Verney
11 – Many Iowans dreamed of becoming President of the United States by Larry Ray Hurto
13 – Country Roads: Radio has a long, proud history in Iowa by Arvid Huisman
14 – Danish sculptor Petersen built a stunning legacy across Iowa by Bill Duffy
19 – Strange airships haunted skies in 1897 by Steven A. Arts
23 – The Way We Were: Gambling in Iowa has seen big changes by John McNeer
24 – Fayette dentist was also heck of a coach at Upper Iowa U. by Buck Turnbull
26 – What’s In a Name: Cresco calls itself “one in a million’ by John Skipper
29 – Book reviews: Iowa celebrated in two new books by Mike Chapman
31 – Iowa History Quiz
35 – Letters to the Editor
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