Iowa History Journal Volume 3, Issue 3 Now Available
Wednesday, May 11th, 2011 | Iowa History Journal
Bill Tilghman of Fort Dodge, Iowa, is considered one of the greatest lawmen and gunfighters of the Old West. According to top experts, he ranks alongside such legends as Wild Bill Hickok, Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson, and Doc Holiday when it comes to his gunfighting exploits.
And yet, Tilghman is not near as well known as the Hickok group, for a variety of reasons. In the current issue of Iowa History Journal, Alan F. Nelson of Fort Dodge, perhaps the nation’s leading authority on Tilghman, offers a historical portrait of this fascinating Iowan and his legacy.
Readers will also be treated to a special story on the five occasions that the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll, Elvis Presley, appeared in the state of Iowa. Also, the Ladora woman behind the very popular Nancy Drew mystery books is profiled, as well as Davenport golfer Jack Fleck, who set the sports world on its ear in 1955 when he won the U.S. Open.
On the more serious side, we take a look back at the Credit Island Battle of 1814, the only time foreign troops were engaged in combat in Iowa, and we offer a penetrating look at the development of the Iowa caucuses.
Also included in this issue:
- The rise of the Palmer School of Chiropractic into a top Iowa business
- How the city of Harlan came by its name
- Review of three new Iowa sports books
- The Iowa History Quiz
- Columns by our regulars – Arvid Huisman, John McNeer and Mike Chapman
…and much more!
- Publisher’s Perspective:Iowa schools are flunking in history!
- The Lawman: Fort Dodge’s Billy Tilghman by Alan F. Nelson
- Elvis Presley held court in Iowa 5 times by Michael Swanger
- Iowa Country Roads: Old school picnics were something special by Arvid Huisman
- Nancy Drew mystery took roots in Iowa by Jessica Lowe
- Credit Island battle made Iowa history by Kyle Martin
- Palmer College traveled a rocky road to success by Don Doxsie
- Iowa caucuses have bizarre background by John Skipper
- The Way We Were: Older citizens were held in higher regard by John McNeer
- Jack Fleck made golfing history in 1955 by Buck Turnbull
- What’s In a Name: Harlan named after a friend of Abraham Lincoln
- Book Review: Sports books focus on three great coaches
- Iowa History Quiz
- Letters to the Editor
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